User instructions
posted by Robert AlexanderSome of your Google applications you have access too once you are signed in. •Google Apps Control Panel - lets officers and administrators add users & make changes to Google Apps settings. •Email - check your email. Also from you email settings you can set it to forward your mail to another email. •Calendar - the shared calendar is visible to the public at but is your personal calendar. If you don't see the shared calendar from your calendar click on "Add" under Other Calendars in the left side bar of your calendar and choose "add by url" then paste in this or add a friend's calendar and paste in the email box. •Docs - is your documents like MS Word and Excel you can create or upload documents here and establish who will be able to see and edit them. •Contacts - is your contacts list. It's built on ones you've used from your email but you can also import from other sources. •Sites - leads you to the general sites creation page. From there you can either edit this site or create a new one. A new site you create will be part of this domain but not necessarily be part of this site. The settings from the look of it to the permissions will all have to be set up and can be made to be completely different from the pages in this site. See more about editing our sites. Other Google Applications: If you have an login you don't need to create a Google Account to take advantage of other Google Applications •Google Accounts - Your email address is a Google Account, you can also add other non-Gmail email as secondary emails to that account. You can sign in to any Google applications with your email address. For example, •Blogger - is a popular easy to use customizable web site with many features not least of which the many ways to just write about yourself or any topic. •Picasawebs - is a photo sharing site that works well with Google apps. There are a variety of gadgets that can be added to the website to show off photos in these albums. You can also collaborate with others on an album. •Google Maps - is available without signing in but when signed in with a Google account you also are able to save favorite places and routes and even edit maps and locations for others to see. |